# Education Site

Inject Aesthetic Awareness to Study Area of Mechanics Starting from Public Space of Molding Division

-Exclusive Interview with Director Hung Fang-Yi of Molding Division, New Taipei Industrial Vocational High School

“Perhaps there are too many dim and old displays in public spaces of industrial divisions across the nation, reminding people of ruins of factories. However, as New Taipei Industrial Vocational High School is one of only six technical senior high schools in Taiwan with molding division, I truly hope that more parents and children can understand what exactly is molding division. Therefore, how to change people’s impressions when giving a guided tour to Molding Division has constantly been on my mind,” said Director Hung Fang-yi of Molding Division, New Taipei Industrial Vocational High School.

Cast the Magical Spell of Design to Transform the Visual Impression of Molding Division

He recalls that, one of her key tasks as Division Director is to introduce Molding Division to junior high school students and their parents; however, every time when he began his tour at the old corridor of Molding Division, he felt helpless seeing the rusted showcases and outdated spatial design. For this reason, whenever he had a chance, he would ask around the divisions and departments whether they had budget for campus beautification, and had also done some small-scale transformation projects, getting to know a few designers through the process. By chance, he heard about “Design Movement on Campus” from one of the designers, and even though it was past the deadline, he refused to miss out on the opportunity and worked overnight to prepare for the application. Eventually, the school was luckily selected, and he could finally fulfill her dream of transforming the public space of Molding Division.

Hung may be the one that came up with the idea, but the transformation was only possible through the collective effort and joint discussion and brainstorming of many people. The cooperation involved four parties—the design team “Üroborus Studiolab,” New Taipei Industrial Vocational High School, advisor Fang Chun-chieh, and TDRI, and they decided to transform the corridor that had insufficient lighting, disorganized wires, and messy traffic flow, through organization of traffic flow and planning of lighting system, while also moderately installing screens to soften the visual impression that had been somewhat messy in the past; also, displays and wooden cabinets were added to diversify work exhibition and storage.

“I still remember, the design team wanted to take down the old door because the style did not fit, but the door was made by the teachers thirty years ago using the equipment available at the time because we had insufficient budget. It not only witnessed the unity of our division, but also had commemorative significances. Thus, after discussion with the design team, the door has been specially kept; and with the help of the design team, it has been blended into the transformed space,” smiled Hung. “The old, out-of-place door, now has been given a metallic touch after the transformation, making me think that design is like magic, making the impossible possible!”

Adding Design Soft Power to Solid Technical Foundation, Setting forth Rippling Effects of Aesthetics through Design Movement on Campus 

The process of transformation not only concerned Hung Fang-yi, but also drew the attention of students in Molding Division. Hung jokes that ever since the construction team moved in and took down the display cabinets, students had developed a great interest in the spatial transformation; they constantly asked about the progress, and often stood around watching or taking pictures. Eventually, they decided to take part in the transformation, and made signs for the transformed space using laser cutter.

 “At technical senior high schools, the requirement is to follow the diagrams and blueprints—the sizes and shapes have to be precise and accurate, with an error of less than 0.01mm; on the other hand, students lack aesthetic cultivation. However, incorporating aesthetic thinking into the process of manufacturing may likely increase value-added, turning ‘final product’ into ‘fine goods.’ New Taipei Industrial Vocational High School is where the Center for Study Area of Mechanics is located, and I hope that we start from here and bring the concept of aesthetics to all mechanics divisions and technical senior high schools throughout Taiwan,” said Hung Fang-yi, who also hopes that the transformation at New Taipei Industrial Vocational High School will set forth aesthetic ripples that inspire more spatial designs for the mechanics divisions. 

Hung Fang-Yi
Graduated from Graduate Institute of Mechatronic Engineering, National Taiwan Normal University. Worked at TSMC and is currently the director of Molding Division, New Taipei Industrial Vocational High School.

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